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Nights Out

Nites Owt On the Town
(not the tiles, because that’s overused and modern cats don’t do tiles anymore for health and safety reasons, no)


Mm, this is me and Punkass on our first date out, at the Hot Paws Nite Spot. It’s a very amiable plaice to go. I wasn't a tinsy bit nervous for our first dayte like you might think, no. Pûnkass and I have telepathic coommunications and I knew exactly what was on his mind right from the start, so we were very comfortable knowing where we were at, right from the beginning, it's troo, mm.
Unfortunately news of our fame, but not yet our fortune, had already reached the ears of the paparazzi at this point and they snapped this shot of us whilst we were blissfully unawares dancing to the Bee Gee's, yez.

One Night


There I was all snuggled up in my radiator bed, dreaming of Pûnkass and I frolicking under the cheese and bacon tree and who should shake me awake?

None other than Mr O. He and Pûnkass had been plotting tom-style and decided to have some fine shanankins and invite me along. And of course, I was very honoured.


I quickly groomed myself and shot out of the cat flap to see Pûnkass on the Gooster 2000 with Rod and Fluffy Monkey en tow.


And off we went on another trail of terror. Our destination was to be the Highlands of Scotland to see Baghera for a nice cup of her tea. Rod felt that going via London would be the quickest route and Fluffy Monkey has expressed a keen interest in the hats of the Queen’s guards.

As we drove through the night, with not a care in the world and the warm spring breeze of the night, gently ruffling our fur like a hug of nature (oh sorry I got carried away and thought I was writing a mills and boon story then) we hatched a cunning plan which was to get our band McFluff plenty of publicity that we well deserve. Mm.


This is the Polaroid snapshot that was caught on of us by the human Queen on her way back from yet another drinking bender in London Town. She kindly said we could keep this photo, how charitable of her majesty, mm.  Look at that norty O pulling tongues at that guard, he's very lucky that he didn't get thrown in the dungeons, mm.

When we finally got the Highlands Wiccapoo and Baghera told us that they’d made a nice fresh pot of tea for us simply hours ago, but fortunately their Granma had the sense to knit a nice cosee for the teapot, so it was still nice and hot. We needed that, I can tell you that, yez.


*affirms with nodding action of the noggin*


Thank those heavens for the Grandma’s is all I can say, where would we bee without them?


Jessie's Birthday Pawty

This delightful picture was taken of us when we attended Jessie’s 5th birthday pawty, not strictly in the town but in a big top that his Mum had hired for us to revel in. We had a smashing time there and dressed up as clowns for your information. Easy Pussy did a little pole dancing and we were all very impressed by the sheer dexterity of some of her moves, mm.

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Pics by Sims/Scozz/Devonx unless otherwise indicated

Thanks to Lee and all of Pûnkass and Ellie's friends for their inspiration!

Ellie Bellie and Pûnkass ©  2005 copyright Sims&Devonx