we find ourselves in need of a little culture. On both of these occasions we were feeling a tad bored and at a loss at what
to do with our day so decided to stimulate our mind body and our spirits and go on a day trip. You won’t find any Kiss
Me Kwik hats at either of these places.
one day we went on a day trip to Egypt, Punkass drove us all very carefully. Fluffy
Monkey loved basking in the midday heat, but Rod wasn’t too keen and I had to keep spritzing him with my handy bottle
of sea water that I carry in my handbag. Here's a picture of Rod looking a little stern.

went to see the pyramids as you can probably tell by the picture and I even went on a ‘make your own cartouche course’
for an hour and made me and Punkass are our cartouche’s, mm.

I was doing that Punkass, Rod, Fluffy and Gordon went shopping for bits and bobs. I wanted a fluffy camel as a keepsake of
our day but apparently a very rude gentlemen retorted that ‘you aren’t at some cheapskate resort now you know’.
So I had to make do with a very pretty figurine of some pharaoh and a stick of
Grate Wall of China
Gordon got a nasty rash on his head from all the sweatinuss he experienced from wearing his head-gear in the sweltering midday
heat and was honking on magnanimously about when in Rome.
I tried to tell him we weren’t going to Rome and that it would be sufficient for him just to be there, his breeding
being from China so he should have been quite content, but we always want to do more, more, more and aren’t just satisfied
and content in ourselves to just be are we? No. There’s so much pressure nowadays I find, anyway on we go with our tale.
was this dreadful dragon that offered to assist us on our way and kept following us everywhere, I think he thought that he
was some sort of tour guide. Anyway, by the time we got home he was still being pesky so I landed him one with my frying pan.
He kept trying to light my stove with his breath so I finished him off with my spatula. It’s not on, no, I was having
none of that, tsk.

Stone Henge
little closer to home was this one day, and oh I did love it. Pûnkass and I were in need of some quality time as couples often do - away from the
hustle and bustle of day to day life. I wore my special frock for the occasion. I’m all in favour of these stones and
goodness the energy of the place, I felt quite empowered as you can well see. Pûnkass came all over dreamy like, with this far-away look in
his eyes, like it had triggered some sort of past-life recall, mm.

was just putting my theory of the mind to the test when this rambunctious gentleman in peculiar get-up came
up to me and told me to put the stone down right away. In my shock and surprise
at being caught unawares it would seem that his feet got in the way somewhat, oops what a butterpaws I am. Nevermind, they
say that the spiritual path is full of lessons and perhaps that was one that he had to learn for himself that day not to pick
on innocent little kitties *stifles giggle*
included in this page it would be only right to tack up the picture of Kirsch’s and Muffins wedding coronation type
thing. I was never really too sure which it was or whether it was a two-in-one do, but that didn't really stop me from enjoying

was very well attended as you can see and as well as myself and Pûnkass there was O
and Casey, Jake and his shy little sister Emily, Maggie and Monroe, Easy Pussy, The Orange Manalaishi with the Great Big Tail,
Wiccapoo and Baghera, Ace, Choo, Punkass sister the Mean Torti and her husband to be Floyd, Jack and Harvey.