summer Pûnkass and I really felt that we had to get away for a little longer than an away day break, so we decided to go caravanning
in Pûnkass’ caravan. Gordon the Gooster was most happy to tow this and our little boat when we were going across dry
lands. We decided to go on a tour of the Salmonshire countryside. It was good to get away, mm, and finally we could relax,
away from the hum-drum and demands of our daily chores and duties, such as catching ratties.
lightened up and became a little less stern, probably being glad to dip his tentacles even if it was fresh-water. Even Fluffy
Monkey took it upon himself to try and find out what all the map reading business was about.
we were on our travels we happened upon a jedi training summer camp and wouldn’t you know it, they just had two spare
places left on the course. We had a great time there whiling away a week or two.
Pûnkass picked up some very handy moves and is very adept with his light saber,
I find that mine is handy to light the stove with.